Racing Sports, RS, was founded in 2015 with principles and goals which have crystallised from
the experiences made by its admins. Its history continues as it offers a proper racing sports experience.
However, RS is more than a parent organisation. It is also an entity
promoting the cause of racing sports and exploring potentials.
Since its founding, it has been supporting various racers, teams, series and leagues.
It has helped all those mentioned to start racing and organise themselves.
It also has successfully connected various partners and ensured the expansion of its leagues into real life.
The origins of the foundation lead to various stories. Some small parts of those stories is written below.
In 2008, Ori Atana started sim racing online. Along with his expereinces
and successes a team emerged: Crafty Racers (CR). CR started with frequenting and hosting races until 2010. While attending and organising various kinds of racing, the spirit of its engagements was inspired by Champ Car racing.
In 2010, Andres Gutierrez (Tuso) realised a Champ Car series (SCART). The series was based on ISI’s rFactor and RLD's CART mod. SCART was created as a project where admins and racers worked together to improve the series. It completed its first season successfully. Partnerships with other sim racing organisations helped on the way to where the project eventually got.
Season 2 started with several improvements and new members. Among the new members was Ori Atana. He had come from successful stories with other sim racing projects and communities and brought with him his legacy. By the end of the season he became an administrator and together with Tuso took SCART to new levels. Having witnessed mistakes in other projects, they drew consequences and established an organization that could not only succeed at the basics but develop the potential of considerable success. Thus the inspiring spirit of SCART and its original culture were established.
Season 3 saw major improvements to the organisation. The racing conditions were greatly optimised and the community culture enhanced, thus resulting in SCART becoming the prime sim racing address for Champ Car racing.
In season 4, the cooperation with SimSync began, thus enabling file synchronisation.
Thanks to the contribution of Justin Lee, who had joined as a driver and brought admin experience with him and later become an admin, admirable racing conditions could be established. Working together, the admins and modders brought about a milestone in the development of the series. Indeed the history of SCART can be split into the times before and after the modding steps of evolution. Key lessons about vehicles, tracks and and racing conditions were learned and for the first time in the series’s history the cars and tracks (and thus the racing conditions) became adjustable. This was in Season 5.
Season 6 saw the 6th consecutive different champion and the arrival of real life racers.
In season 7, major improvements to the mod were made, making it more adjustable and customizable for the members.
In season 8, fantasy tracks were run for the first time.
In season 9, finally, electric engines arrived.
With the addition of other series, the SCART community became a home to multiple series. The administration reacted by transforming the organisation into a nexus, a league for multiple series. The new name of the community was Racin Nexus, RN. SCART, like the other series, became one of the series within the new RN organisation.
Since some members of the community formed other leagues and there were multiple leagues with their own series, a new organisation was founded to unite them. Racing Sports, RS, is the institution uniting all its leagues, series, teams and members.
In 2017, RS expanded into real life racing with the Gokart Series, GS. Providing a platform for real life racers, GS would use its popularity to promote good relations among individuals and groups.
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